Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it Snow!
Snow and Ice can be the most irritating of weather conditions. Not only can it make driving conditions hazardous, but it can also make walking outside a seriously dangerous experience; one which can easily lead to slips and trips and potentially causing limb breakages and other accidents.
Rock Salt and Grit Bins
Snow and ice are so nice to look at, but a pain to deal with. It can stop you from getting out and about, into work or back to your home if the snowfall is sufficiently heavy enough. It can also lead to slips and falls, personal injury and accidents.
A Brighter and Cleaner Future
Back in 2021 Halogen light bulbs were banned as part and parcel of the Government’s plan to cut emissions and to save consumers on their energy bills. And now it is the turn of fluorescent lamps to be replaced (from September 2023)
The falling leaves drift by my window
If only that was the case. Often the leaves don’t even get as far as your windows - they settle and block your gutters creating overflows and damp, which could lead to expensive maintenance.
Electric Vehicle Charging Station Installation
Over the past ten years, the development in the electric vehicle market and in the range of chargeable electric cars has grown enormously. Most car manufacturers now offer chargeable models, with over a third of people who are planning to replace their cars are seriously considering buying an electric one.
Worried about Lightning striking your premises?
Lightning strikes pose a significant threat and are one of the most serious and often overlooked causes of damage to buildings and their contents. At its worst, a lightning strike can be fatal.
New Commercial Heating Division
In the past few years, we have experienced a growing demand for larger scale Commercial Heating and Boiler installation systems.
Our satisfied customers
At Lynx Response, we’ve always believed in the adage - If you don’t appreciate your customers, someone else will.
Keeping in touch
As a fast-growing company, Lynx response, is constantly introducing new products, services and procedures to stay ahead in our specialist fields of expertise.
What a Load of Rubbish
In 98 percent of cases we will happily remove your rubbish. It’s never a problem. Our own friendly and trustworthy teams will arrange to pick up all manner of discardable items, either on a planned and regular refuse collection date or on an ad hoc basis. As and when the need arises. And crucially dispose of RESPONSIBLY.